Sunday, March 19, 2006

Is the "Combine" confident? Or running scared?



(CHICAGO)(March 19, 2006) The St. Louis Post-Dispatch had a story today on Judy Topinka’s last minute fund raising that has me scratching my head.

As a candidate I do not enjoy an adulatory press; on the other hand I have been and continue to be a member of the media and write opinion columns. Thus I am always on the lookout for incongruities in news coverage, and remain amazed that every time there is “spin” to be given, Springfield reporters spin in favor of Topinka and not against her.

The Post-Dispatch reported that Topinka had received numerous large, last-minute contributions. The P-D attributed this last minute money to Topinka’s tin cup that “runneth over” with “Combine” cash. The P-D tasked a professor in Springfield, Kent Redfield, as an “expert” to claim that “the biggest players in politics are betting [Topinka is going to win].” Mr. Redfield likes to pop off, but I see no indication he has a background in practical politics or knows anything about the dynamics of an actual political campaign.

What I see (or don’t see) from the real battlefield is that Topinka has been notably absent from the airwaves this week. Beginning last month at WBEZ I slammed Judy for being an unqualified candidate who has run an incompetent campaign.

Here is my alternative hypothesis: The last minute “Combine” money is a sign of weakness, not strength. It is a sign the Combine is scared, not confident. Running against two billionaires, and Andy, why would someone pull back from saturation media just before an election? Probably because of poor fund raising and poor campaign finance management.

My prediction: the Combine has finally awoken to the fact this primary is going to be a photo finish, not a Judy walkaway. For my own part, no one gives me any chance of winning, and I am not predicting victory as such. Nevertheless, the votes I draw will come mostly from Topinka, and those votes will probably decide the election.

In the meantime, why won’t the Springfield media at least give a balanced interpretation of last minute activity, instead of acting as lapdogs for the pathetic Topinka campaign? Why?

Media contact: Andy Martin (312) 440-4124


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