Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Mere mention of the word “drugs” gives people in politics conniptions, especially “conservatives.” But drugs, like guns, often have good uses; bad people may abuse some drugs, but that doesn’t mean people who need medical assistance should be denied benefits because of the abuses of others. Marijuana seems to fall into that category.

So, medical marijuana? Yes, I support allowing the medical use of marijuana in Illinois. As Governor I would ask the legislature to enact such a law.

Eleven states have approved some form of medical marijuana despite continuing threats by federal mandarins in Washington to lower the boom. Why is it that conservative Republicans always invoke “federalism” when it suits them, and then deny federalism when states enact laws that blue noses in Washington don’t like? Got me.

I have never used drugs (no, I never even inhaled). I think we can do a lot more to help reduce drug abuses. But we need to talk sense to our children and young adults, not senselessly scare them.

Leaders and legislators must act like adults if they expect to be taken seriously by children and students. The bottom line is that I see drug abuse as a public health problem, not a criminal justice challenge.

The so-called “war on drugs” is a joke and a disaster. The money wasted on “war” should be diverted to public health programs to help drug users and abusers.

“Drug use” prosecutions often involve corruption of the judicial system, and rank hypocrisy. Prosecutors jail “drug users,” and then go to a party and snort cocaine or other “recreational drugs.” No thanks. I don’t endorse either the drug use or hypocrisy. It’s time for straight talk, and a change of direction in public policy.

Ironically, the “war on tobacco” (fortunately, no one ever bothered to declare that war) points the way to success. As a society we have gradually reduced tobacco use, and done so without filling jails.

I will ask the legislature to open a debate on legalizing medical marijuana and let the issue play out in the General Assembly.


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